Career, Entrepreneurship & Business Consulting
The LEADer Program: Career Success
Career Consulting
Learn | Evolve | Adapt | Develop
"Write the vision and make it plain."
Habakkuk 2:2
Navigating today's world of work is more complex, nuanced and demanding than it has ever been before.
Thus, making it imperative for us to be strategic and tactical about how we navigate, so that we can be successful, without sacrificing the life we chose to live or the relationships with those that we love.
Enjoy the benefit of individual education, coaching and guidance.
This service includes:
Career Consulting
A Strength & Talent Assessment
Personal Professional Mission Statement Development
Resume & LinkedIn Profile Development
Strategic Career Planning
Job Search Strategy Development
Interview Preparation Assistance
Compensation Package Negotiation Assistance
30-60-90 Day Success Planning
​​Personal LEADership Consulting
Executive Routine Development
Weekly / Monthly / Yearly Wellness Schedule Development
Support & Accountability Team Development
Personal Management System Tool Development
Weekly coaching and advisement to ensure your success!